Students currently enrolled and matriculated in a state-approved nursing program leading to an associate degree, baccalaureate, diploma, direct-entry master’s degree; or enrolled in an RN to BSN completion, RN to MSN completion, or LPN/LVN to RN program;
Matriculation means the student has applied to and has been admitted into a state approved nursing program.(Students must graduate after July 1, 2026, to be eligible to apply.)
Pre-nursing students taking courses to prepare for matriculation into a nursing program;
Currently attending classes and taking no less than six (6) credits per semester;
Involvement in nursing school organizations and/or community health activities;
Demonstrate academic achievement;
Establish financial need;
U.S. Citizen or Alien with U.S. Permanent Resident Status/Alien Registration Number;
High school students are not eligible to apply;
Funds are not available for graduate study unless it is for a first degree in nursing.
(Master’s direct-entry nursing program students are eligible)
HOW MUCH MONEY IS AVAILABLE? The NSNA Foundation awards over $500,000 annually. Scholarship funding is up to $10,000 per award.
WHAT CRITERIA ARE USED FOR SELECTION? The scholarships are based on academic achievement, financial need, and involvement in nursing student organizations and community activities related to health care. Additional criteria may be required by some sponsors.
WHEN WILL THE SCHOLARSHIPS BE AWARDED? Scholarships are awarded in the spring of 2026 for use in summer school 2026 and the 2026 – 2027 academic year.
WHEN IS THE APPLICATION AVAILABLE? The 2026-2027 online scholarship application will be available on September 8, 2025.
DEADLINE FOR COMPLETED APPLICATIONS? Applications must be submitted online by December 19, 2025. Please note new deadline.
Copy of recent nursing school unofficial transcripts, or grade report.
Faculty Member Certification Form
Financial Aid Certification Form
NSNA members must provide their membership number.
Registered nurses in baccalaureate programs and licensed practical/vocational nurses in programs leading to registered nurse licensure must submit a copy of their license to be considered for the Career Mobility Scholarships.