Endowment Sponsors
3M™ Littmann® Stethoscope Leadership Development Grant
Established by 3M™ Littmann® Stethoscopes 3M™ Health Care, a leading stethoscope industry provider established a $100,000 scholarship endowment that is open to all NSNA members. Read more... |
American Nurses Association Direct Support Scholarship Fund
Established by the American Nurses Association ANA advances the nursing profession by fostering high standards of nursing practice, promoting the economic and general welfare of nurses in the workplace, projecting a positive and realistic view of nursing, and by lobbying the Congress and regulatory agencies on health care issues affecting nurses and the public. Read More... |
The Rosa & Lemiel Black Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Established by Dr. Deborah Lewis The Rosa & Lemiel Black Memorial Scholarship Endowment was established by Deborah Lewis in honor of her grandparents Rosa & Lemiel Black. Her grandparents were farmers in Arkansas who migrated to Chicago, Illinois for a better life for themselves and their children. Read more... |
Eileen Bowden, RN Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Established by Dr. Kenneth Dion and Tom Grant As a nursing student, Dr. Dion recognized the benefits of joining the NSNA. He served as the President of the FNSNA Board of Trustees 2010-2013. Supporting the future of Nursing Informatics is at the core of the Dion Scholarship for Nursing Informatics in memory of Nancy Dion. Read more... |
Dion Scholarship for Nursing Informatics in Memory of Nancy Dion
Established by Dr. Kenneth Dion The Dion Scholarship for Nursing Informatics was established in 2008 by Dr. Kenneth Dion in recognition of his mother's passion for and contribution to the nursing profession. Read more... |
Thomas H. Edwards Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established by Dr. Robert V. Piemonte For many years, Thomas Edwards served the National Student Nurses Association in various roles including Career Center Webmaster. He was an exceptional colleague and friend and his memory lives on through this scholarship fund. |
Tina Filoromo Scholarship Endowment
Established by Tina Filoromo Tina Filoromo, RN served as Trustee from 2014-2020 and as Vice President of the FNSNA Board of Trustees. To leave an enduring legacy, she established the Tina Filoromo Scholarship Endowment for nursing students who are experiencing unusual circumstances, such as caring for elderly parents or sick children. |
Helene Fuld Health Trust Scholarship for Baccalaureate Nursing Students
Established by the Helene Fuld Health Trust, HSBC Bank, USA Trustee In 1935, Dr. Leonhard Felix Fuld and his sister, Florentine created a foundation to honor the memory of their mother, Helene Schwab Fuld who was interested in health issues. Read more... |
The Robert G. Hess Jr. PhD, RN, FAAN and Evamaria Eskin, MD, MPH
Endowment in memory of Robert G. Hess III Established by: Robert G. Hess Jr. PhD, RN, FAAN and Evamaria Eskin, MD, MPH This endowment was established in memory of Robert G. Hess III, who died while serving in the US Coast Guard. |
Marilyn Bagwell Leadership Development Grant
Established by Dr. Marilyn Bagwell A grant for official NSNA school chapters (minimum of one (1) year) to foster the development of leadership skills in nursing students. Read more... |
![]() Andrea E. Higham Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Established by Johnson & Johnson Andrea E. Higham was a passionate, driven advocate for nurses and the nursing profession during her many years at Johnson & Johnson, notably in launching and leading the Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing’s Future from 2002 to 2017. Read more... |
Mary Ann Tuft Endowed Scholarship
Established by 1981-1982 NSNA Board of Directors This endowment was established to honor NSNA’s second executive director, Mary Ann Tuft, who served from 1970-1985. The fund also includes scholarships in memory of Alice Robinson, Cleo Doster and Jeanette Collins. Read more... |
![]() MetroSquared Foundation Scholarship Endowment
Established by MetroSquared Foundation, Inc. Created in memory of Terri Tonsetic, RN, this endowment honors the life and legacy of a wonderful nurse who changed the many lives that she touched. Read more... |
National Council of State Boards of Nursing Scholarship Endowment
Established by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) provides education, service, and research through collaborative leadership to promote evidence-based regulatory excellence for patient safety and public protection. This endowment provides scholarships for students to assist in funding their nursing education. |
NSO/CNA Nurse of Our Future Scholarship
Established by Nurses Service Organization and Continental Casualty Company As the official NSNA-endorsed provider of professional liability insurance for nursing students, NSO and CNA have reinvested in the future of the nursing profession. Each year, this scholarship is awarded to a nursing student in an RN to BSN program. |
"Nurses Can Do Anything" Scholarship
Established by Dr. Patrick Hickey In his book, 7 Summits: A Nurses’ Quest To Conquer Mountaineering and Life, Dr. Hickey demonstrates how, through hard work and persistence, anyone can achieve their dreams. Nursing students can find inspiration from Dr. Hickey’s experiences detailed in his book and make their dreams of becoming registered nurses a reality. Read more... |
Dr. Robert V. Piemonte Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Established by The Foundation of the FNSNA Robert V. Piemonte, EdD, RN, CAE, FAAN, was a highly esteemed professional leader and former Executive Director of the National Student Nurses Association, from 1985-1996. Dr. Piemonte was devoted to mentoring and encouraging nurse colleagues and students. Read more... |
Cheryl K. Schmidt Scholarship Endowment, In Memory of Helen S. Klouzal, RN
Established by Dr. Cheryl K. Schmidt As a longtime supporter of the NSNA and the FNSNA, Dr. Schmidt honors the memory of her mother, Helen S. Klouzal, RN through this endowment. Read more... |
Frances Tompkins Scholarship Fund, In Memory of Frances Tompkins
Established by Florence Huey From 1968-1969, Florence Huey had the privilege of serving as NSNA President with the assistance of Frances Tompkins, NSNA’s first Executive Director. Read more... |
Weingarten Leaders of Leaders Endowment
Established by Michael S. and Carol Toussie Weingarten The Weingarten Leader of Leaders Award is presented to an outstanding dean, faculty advisor, or state consultant who demonstrates distinguished support and service to nursing students. Read more... |
Williams/Shock Legacy of Leadership Endowment
Established by Dr. Kenya Williams and Jenna Shock Involvement in NSNA at the national level provides many unique opportunities for leadership skills to flourish. Two past NSNA Presidents, Dr. Kenya Williams (2009-10) and Jenna Shock (2008-09) believe that nursing students should take full advantage of these leadership opportunities provided at the national, state, and local level to develop the necessary skills that they will need as future members of the nursing profession. |